Palabra en inglés
retaliatory eviction or action
Palabra en español
acción o desalojo en represalia
Un acto realizado por un propietario, como por ejemplo subir el alquiler del inquilino, tratar de desalojar a un inquilino o castigar a un inquilino porque el inquilino ejerció sus derechos de inquilino.
Términos relacionados
- attorney / legal representantive
- appear before
- peremptory challenge
- satisfaction
- request for admission
- reporter
- conformed copies
- attorney / counsel / lawyer
- attorney of record
- defense attorney
- creditor
- record on appeal
- action
- minute order
- third-party action
- information
- record
- tortfeasor
- executor
- tort
- oral argument
- prior
- lessor
- family law facilitator
- facilitator
- eviction notice
- compensatory damages
- misdemeanor
- eviction
- divorce
- debtor
- confidencial record
- public record
- sealed record
- prosecuting attorney
- waiver of rights form
- guarantor
- infraction
- habeas corpus
- challenge for cause
- inventory
- interrogatories
- child support
- minor
- juror
- spousal support
- testator
- compulsory / mandatory
- order
- ordinance
- seizure order
- custody order
- payor
- commitment order
- accessory
- obligor
- power of attorney
- foreperson
- landlord
- force majeure
- foreign
- formal
- collaboration agreement
- extortion / shakedown
- bachelor of laws
- foreclosure
- promissory note
- prayer for relief
- consortium
- work / employment
- divorce decree
- minority group
- forfeit
- arbiter / arbitrator
- court order
También puede interesarle
- attorney / legal representantive
- appear before
- peremptory challenge
- satisfaction
- request for admission
- reporter
- conformed copies
- attorney / counsel / lawyer
- attorney of record
- creditor
- record on appeal
- action
- minute order
- third-party action
- information
- tortfeasor
- executor
- tort
- oral argument
- prior
- family law facilitator
- facilitator
- eviction notice
- compensatory damages
- misdemeanor
- eviction
- debtor
- confidencial record
- public record
- sealed record
- prosecuting attorney
- waiver of rights form
- guarantor
- infraction
- habeas corpus
- challenge for cause
- interrogatories
- child support
- minor
- spousal support
- testator
- order
- ordinance
- seizure order
- custody order
- payor
- commitment order
- accessory
- obligor
- power of attorney
- foreperson
- landlord
- force majeure
- foreign
- formal
- collaboration agreement
- extortion / shakedown
- foreclosure
- prayer for relief
- consortium
- work / employment
- divorce decree
- minority group
- forfeit
- court order